Post by James Potter II on Feb 16, 2010 14:37:20 GMT -5
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Hello there! We are currently accepting canons and originals. There are many canons left for you!
It's the year 2017 and Harry and Ginny Potter has just sent their youngest son to school for his first year. Of course, that means Ron and Hermione Weasley sent their daughter, Rose, and Draco and Astoria Malfoy sent their son, Scorpius. Death Eaters are on the rise and there has been rumors that Voldemort is alive again (mostly because there was never a Battle against him) and that there was this one Horcrux Harry didn't get. What is it? Who knows. Of coure, the Ministry is trying to cover this up again, the papers aren't printing anything about the muggles and muggle-borns who are being attacked. Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron are working to get The Order back together, but they know it wont be the same after the big Battle of Hogwarts. The Potter and Weasley kids have started thinking about getting the DA together again, but they dont know how to go about it. But there is a bigger concern. Voldemort is attacking places, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, slowly inching towards Hogwarts, bit by bit. Aurors are trying to guard to place, but the Headmistress keeps kicking them out, saying that the students don't want them to distract them from their schoolwork.
Will they figure it out? Or will Voldemort rise to power again?
Andromeda Marquette- Admin Kaitlynn Richards- Co-Admin Roxy Weasley- Graphics Mod
Click here to take a portkey to my website! Hope you join! Tell them James sent you xD