CODES of conduct

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No New Posts WRITTEN and remembered - 2 Viewing

     Every board has them and I guess you could call them somewhat of a necessity. Here is where you will find all the amazing rules for the site that you must follow or else. You can also find all the RP info that your heart may desire about the na'vi and so on and so forth. It is crucial to raed the information here so you know what is going on in the site.

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Sub-boards: RULES; written in blood, RP info; understand pandora, CREDITS; give what is owed

13 13 »[2] clan hierarchy
by Eywas gsgesssss
Feb 8, 2010 3:09:26 GMT -5
No New Posts VOICE of eywa

     Yes. This is the announcement board. It is very important to read whatever is posted here before joining too. This is where all changes to SP will be made including changes to any of the rules, changes in the staff team and anything else that pops into the staff teams heads that they believe all the wonderuful members of Saving Pandora should know.

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Sub-boards: ARCHIVED news; to remember, NOMINATIONS; for the month, POLLS; cast your vote, ARCHIVED polls; reminisce the past

1 1 :: advertising contest
by Eywas gsgesssss
Feb 13, 2010 19:06:35 GMT -5
No New Posts PRAY to the mother

     The best way to reach staff is through PM. However, if it is a question that you think would benefit the entire site then please post it here to get publicly addressed. If you also have any suggestions for the betterment of the site please let us know and comments are most certainly welcome. You can also alert staff to fights in this board.

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Sub-boards: COMMENTS; don't you just love us?, QUESTIONS; we're here to answer, SUGGESTIONS; so we can improve, FIGHT notify; seek a fair judge

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No New Posts ESCAPE back to reality - 2 Viewing

There are many other worlds out there that you may just be dying to explore (we hope not.) Just remember that Saving Pandora is very protective over its members. Just remember this: no one is better than us.

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Sub-boards: NEW ads; so we can ooh and aah, LINKING back; cuz we found you first, AD archives; cleanout time

228 233 Translucence
by Rottikins
Nov 18, 2012 2:00:16 GMT -5

SCULPTED to perfection

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No New Posts CREATION and destruction

     This is a very important place, yes, yes it is. This is where you, yes you, come to create a character to be roleplayed on this site. You will find the template and everything else that you need all in here. You will also find that important auditions for key characters are also located in this board. All inactive and deceased characters are also here as well as characters to adopt.

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Sub-boards: APPLICATION; and other tidbits, AUDITIONS; dream to be important, PENDING; work on your bio here, DENIED; did not meet requirements, ADOPTION; if death is too hard, GRAVEYARD; deceased and buried

5 5
No New Posts KNOWN by eywa

     Known by Eywa is what is called The Listings section of the site. Here is where you can find complete lists on the characters each member of the site roleplays as well as the complete hierarchy for every tribe that is represented here at Saving Pandora. Feel free to pour through these at your own leisure, but please, don't stalk people too much. It's odd.

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Sub-boards: OMATICAYA clan; undecided, SEZEKRAN clan; hostile, PA'LILAIN clan; undecided, TIPANI clan; undecided, ROGUES; hostile and dangerous, NON-NAVI lists; to make things complicated

19 19
No New Posts WELCOME to pandora

     Welcome to Pandora is confirmation that you have completed the hardest part on joining the site (the application of course) and now you are free to move about Pandora with your character to do as you please once your biography is accepted by staff and then moved to this board. Each accepted biography is sorted into what clan that they are apart of.

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Sub-boards: OMATICAYA; clan of the forest, SEZEKRAN; clan of the coast, PA'LILAIN; clan of the plains, TIPANI; clan of the lake, ROGUES; clan of none

5 10

RISING in familiarity

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No New Posts SEEKING unity

     You may or may not know what relationship sheets are. If you do, then I don't need to explain. If you don't then do not worry because they are simple. Just follow the examples here to create your own relationship sheet. People will post in it and suggest plot ideas between characters as well as what kind of relationship that may develop. Some people like these and some do not.

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Sub-boards: OMATICAYA; clan of the forest, SEZEKRAN; clan of the coast, PA'LILAIN; clan of the plains, TIPANI; clan of the lake, ROGUES; clan of none, SHEET archives; organization is crucial

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts COMPLETE compilations

     I personally find logbooks very helpful. Here is where you can create a logbook for your character where you can keep a descriptive compilation about them (similar to a biography). You can also add onto it with threads that your character is in so you do not forget as well as how they feel about those that they meet. Go wild and if you need help ask me, I love writing logbooks.

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Sub-boards: A-e; a b c d e, F-j; f g h i j, K-o; k l m n o, P-t; p q r s t, U-z; u v w x y z, LOGBOOK archives; character is dead

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts SEEKING plot partners

     Plots are crucial to get a roleplaying going. This site is mainly a free play roleplay where members get to do whatever they want. The only entire site plot is that there are tension amongst the territorial clans. Other then that, you are free to plot away with others on whatever you want. Just make sure it is not too bizarre and follows Na'vi behavior and so on.

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Sub-boards: ROMANCE; c'est amour, RELATIONSHIPS; enemies to friends, SCANDAL; oh how complex, EVERYTHING else; and in between

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TERRITORIAL clans of pandora

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No New Posts OMATICAYA clan

      The Omaticaya Clan, also known as the Blue Flute Clan, is the Clan of the Forest. Their home lies deep within the vegetation and numerous plant and tree specimens of beautiful Pandora. The Omaticaya people are seen as the most musical of the Clans (hence blue flute) and are recognized as Ikran Makto as well as direhorse riders. Hometree has grown back to its former beauty although it is not quite at its full yet, but a little more time and the home of the Omaticaya will be fully restored. Since the invasion of the RDA, the Omaticaya have replenished their numbers and stabilize their clan. The neighboring forest where the battle took place has also recovered and balance has once again been restored to this beautiful region of Pandora.

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Sub-boards: HOMETREE, FOREST floor, NEYTIRI waterfall

1 1
No New Posts SEZEKRAN clan

      The Sezekran Clan is also known as the Ikran People of the Eastern Sea or Coast. They are strictly Ikran Makto, Ikran Riders and are not familiar with riding Pa'li like the Pa'lilain, Omaticaya and Tipani Clans. The Ikran people live right next to the shoreline, making their home a network of seaside cliffs and caves. Instead of hunting the land animals, the Ikran People live on a diet of seafaring creatures such as fish, although they are capable of hunting land animals as well. In a canyon-like area to the east, also lined with caves and rugged cliff's with many of them connecting with the crashing waves, are where the ikran of the clan live, awaiting a summon from their riders. Sezekran hunters use their ikran to catch fish and other sea animals.

OLO'EYKTAN ariszalani - TSAHIK none
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Sub-boards: HOME cavern, IKRAN cliff and canyon, COASTLINE and shore

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No New Posts PA'LILAIN clan

      Beyond the forest where the Omaticaya live are the wide open plains with little to no coverage whatsoever. It is here that the Pa'lilain, the Horse Clan of the Plains live under the open sky with Polyphemus seen in the background. The Pa'lilain are skilled riders of the direhorse, using the horses as both hunting and fighting companions. They do not use the ikran, being very loyal to their steed and to their people. In the middle of the plains is a circular perimeter with a leafless tree in the center, similar to hometree, that is where the Na'vi of that Clan live. Surrounding the Plains Hometree are much smaller, made from wood tee-pee like huts used for living purposes and any other purpose such as storage, a sick area and whatnot.

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Sub-boards: HOMETREE, PLAINS of the people, OPEN river

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No New Posts TIPANI clan

      Warriors make up the Tipani Clan. Everyone is raised is a warrior first and expected to take on the duties of being a hunter, etc, but a warrior foremost. The Tipani Clan is full of dark, dangerous warriors, not necessarily dark souls, but dark natured in being secluded, aggressive and proud. They are hostile in dealing with anyone that is not in their clan and protect their land with fearlessness that is unrivaled. On the other side of the forest, situated around a waterfall and a vast lake, the Tipani Clan lives. They are strong hunters of fish and land animals. They use both direhorses and ikran to do their hunting. A deep woodlands, smaller than the forest of the Omaticaya and darker as well as more dangerous, surrounds the lake.

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THE shared lands

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No New Posts HALLELUJAH mountains

      Gigantic floating islands move in magnetic currents in this impressive, unbeliable area of Pandora. The Hallelujah Mountains are full of unobtanium, the small rock that was worth over 20 million dollars and why the RDA had first invaded Pandora. Left alone, the Hallelujah Mountains is basically a vortex with each island moving and scraping against each other and other landforms of Pandora without ever leaving the vortex. The area is sacred to all Na'vi for it is the location of the Banshee Rookery in Mons Veritatis. Waterfalls drop into open air down the side of some of the islands and here is where the Ikran Makto really feel one with their ikran. The mountains are a place of beauty for all Na'vi who go there whether to get an ikran or to wander.

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Sub-boards: VA'ERA ramunong, MONS veritatis, BANSHEE rookery

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No New Posts SACRED lands

      Pandora is full of areas that are significant and sacred to the Na'vi, which includes all of the tribes. Members from any clan are allowed to come to these sites without hostility from rival clans to partake in what is customary for the Na'vi. The Tree of Voices is one of the sites, the area where mates are chosen and approved or disapproved by Eywa. The Tree of Souls is yet another site that the Na'vi are free to come to and during great times of need all the clans will gather there. The Tree of Souls is all of the Na'vi's direct connection to the mother goddess and a place where they can pray and listen, in similarity to the Tree of Voices. All of these lands are watched over by every clan, especially since the RDA almost destroyed both sites.

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Sub-boards: TREE of souls, TREE of voices

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No New Posts ROGUE lands

      The Rogue Lands are the lands unclaimed by the territorial Na'vi clans of Pandora. The rogues, obviously, wander these lands alone or in small groups depending on their preference. The Rogue Lands are incredibly dangerous, due to why they are not inhabited by a clan. Na'vi from clans will venture here if they are looking for adventure, but they are careful lest they run into a hostile rogue or an even more menacing wild animal such as a Palulukan. The Rogue Lands are not to be taken as a joke and are considered to be the most dangerous region on the entire planet of Pandora. Murky marshes, treacherous mountains, dark lakes, deep woodlands, swift rivers and even sleeping volcanoes and other natural resources make up the region.

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Sub-boards: FALLING pools, VIPER marsh, TORUK mountains

1 3

REALISM at its finest

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No New Posts MAKE it all about you

      Not quite feeling in the roleplay mood? Waiting for someone to post to you or just wanting something fun to do that does not use your mind at all? This is the place to go! If you want to introduce yourself to everyone, tell the site that you have to go on hiatus for a little bit, or just want to participate in the fun filled games then this is the place to go. Have fun. Go wild. Stay off drugs.

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Sub-boards: BURN a little anger, GOING to narnia, SHOTS all around, WE want to know you more

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No New Posts MAKE it big on hollywood

      Do you have some skills in the graphic department? It's not easy turning humans into avatars, that's for sure. If you are one of those talented geniuses that can do that then please go ahead and offer your services so everyone can have spiffy avatars and signatures. You can also request signatures and whatever, open your own study, ask for comments on your works.

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Sub-boards: CODE help, TUTORIALS, STOCK and resources, REQUEST, STUDIOS

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No New Posts SAVING pandora newspaper

this is only for newspaper's staff only
head editor: none
issue due date: to be announced
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